The Parent Code of Conduct outlines the expected behaviours of parents and guardians and clarifies accountability in the response process. Parents and guardians play a vital role in their children’s education and are expected to support Sunrise’s efforts to maintain a safe, caring and respectful school environment for all students, staff, and community members. This code applies to all individuals involved in activities or communication related to Sunrise Waldorf School, including guardians, stepparents, grandparents, extended family, caregivers, and advocates.
Everyone has the right to a safe and respectful workplace, as defined by WorkSafe BC.
By registering at Sunrise Waldorf School, and signing this agreement, families agree to the Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct, which includes the following expectations:
1. Treat Everyone with Respect and Kindness
Be positive role models by using courteous and respectful communication and practicing high standards of safe, kind and ethical behaviour.
Assume best intentions when assessing and addressing changes and perceived challenges.
Follow the Communication and Appeal Policy to address concerns, including discussing concerns through face-to-face meetings rather than written complaints.
Respect the dignity, privacy and confidentiality of community members, including on digital platforms.
Support teachers and students and their classroom expectations.
2. Be Inclusive
Treat everyone with respect and consideration, regardless of race, ethnicity, age, ancestry, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, socio-economic status or any other element of a person’s unique identity.
Teach and model to your children how to be inclusive, helpful and respectful toward others, particularly those with visible or invisible disabilities.
Celebrate cultural differences and learn about other cultures and perspectives within the school and broader community.
3. Participate Fully and Positively
Ensure your child attends school regularly, on time, and comes prepared to learn.
Read and understand the expectations outlined in the Parent Handbook, which include adhering to the Media Guidelines, completing volunteer hours, and attending parent meetings and conferences, as requested.
Support students in understanding and abiding by the Student Code of Conduct, including the Dress Code.
Read teacher emails and weekly newsletters, and participate in school events and activities.
4. Create a Positive School Culture
Trust the professional judgment of faculty and staff and be curious and respectful with your questions.
Speak positively about the school, staff, and faculty, publicly and especially in front of children, while taking your concerns directly to an individual or to the school administration team.
Take interest in Waldorf Education. Take advantage of Parent Enrichment opportunities.
Directly supervise your children at community events and before and after school hours to ensure respectful play, and refrain from disciplining other people’s children. Approach the parent directly and productively if you have a concern.
5. Treat School Property with Care, Safety and Respect
Care for school buildings, grounds, and materials and help maintain and enhance the school environment.
Respect our neighbours, our neighbourhood and the greater community.
Follow the Parking Lot Etiquette, especially the requests around speed management and drop-off/pick-up
Response Plan
Parents are expected to respect the response plan. If a breach of the Code of Conduct occurs, the following actions may be taken, depending on the severity or recurrence of the breach:
Informal Notice: A verbal or written notice will be issued.
Formal Warning: If the breach persists or is deemed more serious, a written warning will be issued by the Head of School, a designate, or the Board President.
Resolution Meeting: The parent(s) may be required to meet with the Head of School, or designate, to resolve the issue.
Prohibition from School Property: The Head of School and/or the Board President may prohibit or remove an individual from school property. Re-entry will require prior written approval from the Head of School.
Deregistration: If breaches persist or a resolution is not reached, the school may deregister the parent’s child(ren) or refuse re-registration for the following school year.
In extreme cases involving threats or violence, local authorities may be contacted and/or legal action pursued to protect the community.
The Head of School reserves the right to determine consequences for non-compliance and may prohibit or remove any individual deemed a threat to the safety of students, staff, or community members. The Head of School will notify appropriate school personnel, the Board President and, if required, the local authorities of such actions.