Our international community is integral part of what makes Sunrise Waldorf School a rich and culturally diverse place of learning.
To apply as a foreign student:
Submit completed International Student Application Form along with
Pay the $500 non-refundable application fee. This fee is per family (one or more children) for students applying for kindergarten or grade school.
Submit transcripts, report cards, and a letter of recommendation from a current teacher. Please ensure these have been translated by a third party if the originals are not in English.
SWS will review the application and notify of acceptance within fourteen days.
SWS will issue a Letter of Enrollment.
Apply to Immigration Canada for Student Visa.
Travel to Canada with all documentation in hand.
Please note that we do not accept students travelling without their parents or legal guardian.
Please note: International Student Visas
Students who do not possess Canadian Citizenship must apply for and obtain a valid student visa before arriving at Sunrise Waldorf School. Upon acceptance and full payment of fees, the Admissions Office will issue a letter of registration and other necessary documents needed to apply for a student visa. These documents, along with a visa application, must be taken to the nearest Canadian Consulate or Embassy. For more information on student visas, visit It is the responsibility of the family to apply for and obtain the necessary visa documentation before travelling to Canada. Visa processing can take up to 12 weeks.
Tuition must be paid in advance to meet the study permit requirements.
A Letter of Enrollment from SWS, needed to obtain the Student Visa, will not be issued until fees are paid in full.
Submit all application materials to
International student tuition rates reflect the difference of the Kindergarten to Grade 8 Provincial education grant that international students do not qualify for. All international student tuition must be paid in full prior to a letter of acceptance being issued for the purpose of acquiring a Student Visa as required by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).
Tuition fees listed on this schedule include applicable Supply, Enrichment (Grades 1-8), Capital fees, and Snack (Preschool/Kindergarten).
Capital Fee
Capital improvements (infrastructure/building improvements/etc) are funded by the $500.00 Capital Fee that is included in the tuition total listed.
Field Trips
Families will generally not be asked to pay for field trips or school overnight trips. A portion of the costs of these trips has been included in your tuition and Sunrise will strive to cover as much of these costs as possible. On occasion, a special trip may require extra funds and class fundraising may be requested.
Families are responsible for owning or renting string instruments as a requirement for students in Grades 4 to 8.
Overdue Accounts
Statements will be emailed for overdue accounts and are payable upon receipt. An interest charge of 5% may be applied to outstanding amounts if the full contract amount is not paid by July 1, 2025. Payment plans may be arranged with the Finance Director.
Two weeks’ written notice is required for all withdrawals, except in the case of a new student during their three-month trial period. If a student is withdrawn without the required two weeks’ notice, the responsible party will be required to pay any outstanding fees. For withdrawals after August 1, 2024, the August tuition payment is non-refundable.
Please inform the office when your child is away and for what reason. If your student will be away for an extended period, not due to an illness, plans must be made in advance with the Teacher and Education Director to arrange a home learning plan.