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President of the Board of Directors of Sunrise Educational Society

Board Officer Job Description 


As the governing body of Sunrise Waldorf School (school), the Sunrise Educational Society (SES) Board stewards and safeguards the school for  future generations. The SES Board focuses on the school's good governance, strategic priorities, and supports executive decision-making. It ensures that school policies align with the Society's Vision and Mission; and reduces fiduciary risk through appropriate and regular oversight and assessment.


In addition to serving as a Board Director, the President is responsible for providing leadership to the Board of Directors and overseeing the school’s strategic plan in collaboration with the Head of School (HOS).  In addition, the President oversees the HOS’s hiring, compensation, evaluation, professional development, privacy, grievances and termination/layoff processes, in collaboration with the Vice President or Board HR Committee . 


Primary Duties

  • Prepare the Board’s meeting agenda in collaboration with Head of School, in a timely manner

  • Chair all Board meetings in accordance with the Society’s bylaws

  • Uphold the Principles of Good Practice and the rules of conduct as they apply to the Board and its individual members

  • Coach members of the Board

  • Ensure there is a process to annually evaluate the effectiveness of the board 

  • Serve as spokesperson, together with the Head of School, for the Society

  • Ensure full and timely communication with members of the board 

  • Prepare for and chair the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 

  • Monitor financial planning and financial reports

  • Ensure a strategic plan is in place, in viable action, and that the school is on track with its’ goals


Secondary Duties

  • Prepare recommendations for board consideration

  • Prepare recommendations to the members for changes to by-laws

  • Represent the Society at community meetings and events

  • Prepare Board annual calendar in collaboration with Vice President and Secretary


Head of School, Human Resource Duties

  • Lead a sound search and hiring process for the Head 

  • Adopt the role of coach, confidante, strategist, ally and supporter of the HOS 

  • Facilitate probationary period review and report

  • Ensure HOS  evaluation each year, as per SES’s Principal Evaluation Policy

  • Attend quarterly HR check-ins with the HOS, along with the Vice President or one member of the HR Committee,  to review yearly goals, progress, evaluations, professional development, etc.

  • Collaborate with the HOS to address issues proactively and constructively as they arise

  • Act as a bridge between the Board and the HOS particularly during in camera session

  • Maintain healthy relationships with the School’s leadership team, especially potential successors 

  • Communicate all high-level comments to the HOS, while maintaining confidentiality of individual people.

  • Oversee strategic succession planning processes are well documented


Committee Membership 

Ex officio Status all Board and School Committees; Board HR and/or Board Development Committee


The President is committed to the Society’s Mission and strategic direction and has awareness of the Society’s policies and procedures. The President has a solid understanding of board meeting procedures and non profit governance. The President has experience in legal, political, and risk management, as well as strong communication and facilitation skills. Other qualifications include: 

  • An understanding of Waldorf Schools, independent schools, and culture

  • No conflict of interest in serving the role (no staff members or their family members)

  • Sufficient time to devote to their primary duties

  • A resident of the community within 50 km of Duncan


Term of Office

Two year term, renewable in accordance to the bylaws

Time Commitment

Approximately 10-15 hours a month; hours may increase from time to time.



The Board President is an Executive and voting member of the Board of Directors; and is appointed or terminated in a manner consistent with the Bylaws. The role is accountable to the Board of Directors for the fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities outlined in the Bylaws, the Society’s policies and procedures, this job description and the SES Board Principles of Best Practice. The Board President is provided a supportive annual evaluation by the Vice President or agreed upon external designate, and is asked to complete a reflective, annual self evaluation. The President may be removed from the Board, by special resolution, and in accordance with the Bylaws, for not performing their duties or not being in-good standing over a consecutive, three month period.  



The President has no formal authority to direct the Board or the affairs of the Society, including the work of the Head of School, unless otherwise decided. Like other Board members, the President is entitled to make motions and vote on matters before the Society. The President may not, on behalf of the Society, enter into contracts without the knowledge and approval of the Board and/or the Executive Committee of the Board (including the Head of School). 

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