Director to the Board of Directors of Sunrise Educational Society
Board Director Job Description
Board Director Role
As the governing body of Sunrise Waldorf School (school), the Sunrise Educational Society (SES) Board stewards and
safeguards the school for future generations. The SES Board focuses on the school's good governance, strategic
priorities, and supports executive decision-making. It ensures that school policies align with the Society's Vision and
Mission; and reduces fiduciary risk through appropriate and regular oversight and assessment. Board Directors are
responsible for acting in the best long-term interests of the organization and the community and will bring to their
deliberations a broad knowledge, a long-range view and openness to learning.
Principle Duties
● Prepare for and participate in Board meetings
● Listen to others’ views, advocate their own, identify common interests and alternatives, and be open to
● Support governance decisions once made
● Participate in the development of a strategic plan to help guide future decisions
● Abide by the by-laws, Principles of Good Practice and other policies that apply to the Board
● Participate in the approval of the annual budget and monitor the financial performance of the Society in relation
to it
● Help establish, review and monitor operational policies including ones related to the quality of care and human
● Identify prospective Board members and help recruit and mentor them as needed
● Participate in the evaluation of the Board itself (annual Board self-evaluation)
● Contribute to the work of the Board as a member of a Board committee
● Attend and participate in the Annual General Meeting
● Be an ambassador for the Society in the wider community
● Keep informed about community issues relevant to the work of the Society
● Participate in the hiring of, and if required, the releasing of, the Head of School if needed
● Participate in the evaluation of the Head of School if needed
Every Director is committed to the Society’s Mission and strategic direction. They have an understanding of, experience
or commitment to learning and practicing good Board governance. They have an appreciation of the work of the faculty
and administration of the schooll, and have a proven track record in being a positive, constructive, active member of the
school, or broader, community. In addition a Board Director has:
● Knowledge of the community and the field in which the Society operates
● Availability of sufficient time to devote to Board duties, is prepared for meetings
● Excellent communication skills
● Professional manner
● Openness to learning
Approved: To Be Reviewed: 12/19/2023
Committee Membership and Mandate
Directors will be a member of minimum, 1 Board committee and maximum of 2, unless a letter of exception has been
approved by the Board.
Term of Office
Two year term, renewable in accordance to the bylaws.
Time Commitment
This position requires a commitment of approximately 5-6 hours a month.
A Director is a voting member of the Board and is appointed in a manner consistent with the Bylaws. The role is
accountable to the Board for the fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities outlined in the Bylaws, the Society’s
policies and procedures, this job description and the Director’s Principles of Good Practice. All Directors are provided a
supportive annual evaluation by the Board or Vice Chair or designate, and are asked to complete a reflective, annual
self evaluation. A Director may be removed from the Board, by special resolution, and in accordance with the Bylaws, for
not performing their duties or for not being in good standing for over three months.
Board Directors have no authority to direct staff or take independent action on matters outside of the duties outlined
herein unless given such authority by the Board.
The performance of individual Directors is evaluated annually in the context of the evaluation of the whole Board and is
based on the carrying out of duties and responsibilities as outlined above.
Board Resources.